About – M. L. Tompsett – Author


Since she was a little girl, M. L. Tompsett created worlds to escape to. Years later, she enjoys writing in her imaginative make-believe worlds with interesting characters. Then, finally, moving forward to the big wide scary world of publishing.

Married to her childhood sweetheart, they live in Victoria, Australia, and have two fully grown, extremely talented in their own way – sons.

With her different book series, out on the digital shelves, in print (softcover) and now venturing into audio books, GooglePlay Audio, there is a little of something for everyone to enjoy.

Her books are not only in the genre of paranormal fantasy but also in urban fantasy and are now branching out into contemporary romance—a different genre to capture your reading habit.

M. L. Tompsett is excited to see something she has been working on for far too long become a reality.

With her cuppa beside her and a bag of liquorice, you will find M. L. Tompsett busy working away while listening to her music file she has just for working on her computer.

Business Card

If you would like to contact M. L. Tompsett, go to her contact page or follow her on Facebook.